4 Habits That Damage Productivity

The world has always been about getting things done, getting them done quickly, and getting them done well. Unfortunately, humans have a tendency to engage in habits that damage that goal, with the issue being exacerbated by our near limitless access to technology.

End To End Encryption and Why It Matters

In the past few years, cyber security has burst onto the national news scene, with shocking stories of huge breaches, security blunders in political campaigns, and an array of other troubling and dangerous revelations related to computer systems. Oftentimes, these stories are jam-packed with jargon, techie language and things that the average reader won't have a substantial understanding of.

What Companies Get Wrong About Business Continuity

Every business owner knows that having a business continuity plan is crucial to the success of their organization. However, when the unexpected does happen, companies tend to overlook how well employees can stick to the plan. To make sure your plan doesn’t go up in flames, here are five critical mistakes you must avoid.

4 Biggest Facebook marketing mistakes

Facebook makes it possible for companies to showcase their products and services to targeted prospects more effectively and take their online presence to the next level. However, many businesses are struggling to get the results they want from Facebook marketing despite having spent large amounts of money. With that said, make sure you don’t fall […]

How to improve data collection practices

As businesses of all sizes continue to adopt more apps and tools, the amount of available data grows exponentially. However, not all of that information is important or even useful. It’s critical that as you collect more data you keep it organized and relevant. The collection process is the best place to start. Before we […]

5 Most common security breaches

These days, the security of various IT systems is constantly being called into question. From attacks on mobile devices to ever-increasing types of malware, many businesses are struggling to stay on top of their security. One of the best ways to stay protected is to be aware of common cybersecurity issues. To that end, here […]

A Unique Problem

Social media dominates many facets of our day to day life. Most of us spend ten minutes here or 30 minutes there scrolling through our preferred app, be it Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Besides the fact that these platforms show us things that we might be interested in, allow us to connect with old friends or talk to distant family members, they generally just provide a whole lot of entertainment!


A problem that has made it's way into the public spotlight in recent years, however, is the use of spam bots and troll accounts to spread disinformation, specifically when it comes to politics.