Instagram Retail, Microsoft Teams Compliance, and More! What’s New in Tech

Tech is a fast paced world, and oftentimes it's difficult to keep track of all the changes that come flying our way on a week-to-week basis. Thankfully, Forbes does a great job at keeping track of technology news that are relevant to businesses, and we're here to pass that information along to you!

For those not interested in reading directly from the source, here is a short summary of the article:

Some older models of Apple products such as the MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and Mac Mini are upgrade-able at a discounted price.

A Detailed Look At The Robocall Epidemic

We've talked about robocalls on this newsletter before, but there information available on the nitty-gritty of the problem was definitely limited. Now, a report from call security company Hiya allows us to see the extent of the robocall pandemic that has swept the world over the last 6 months.

USB Peripherals – A Blessing Or A Curse?

The past few years have brought forward a bevy of technologies developed in the name of convenience. Internet of Things devices like the Google Home, Amazon's Alexa, or remotely accessible home security devices like Nest cameras and doorbells among them, not to mention the thousands of various doodads, gizmos, and genuinely useful tools that are USB compatible.

How A New Law In Australia Could Affect You

In the final months of 2018, the Australian government passed an extraordinarily controversial law that allows them to mandate large tech companies to hard code back doors into their products for bypassing the encryption that they use to protect users. While this may seem like an unfortunate situation for Australian citizens, the effects of this vaguely defined and broadly targeted law will have repercussions for users of technology all over the world.

How Amazon Monitors Your Shopping Habits

Amazon has proven itself to be an ever-present, ever morphing entity, capable of running the largest E-Commerce operation in history while simultaneously competing in various industries such as entertainment, consumer manufacturing, food delivery, and, more recently, healthcare.

The Real Danger of Robocalls: SSN Scams

A few months ago, we talked about the Robocall-pocalypse and the disruptive effect it was having on individuals all over the country. While most of us can identify a robocall and opt to hang up nearly immediately, they pose a very real threat to personal privacy and security to those who get hooked by the frightening content of their messages.

A Six Figure Cyber Attack

Everywhere you look, IT companies are harping on about cyber security. So much so, in fact, that it's easy to become desensitized to the very real threat of phishing, malware, and email account compromise. Sometimes, however, a story comes by that hits just a little bit too close to home, and might serve as a reminder of just how dangerous these threats are; not only to businesses, but to individuals.

Mobile Phishing: Same Old Trick, New Apperance

It seems that even our mobile phones are vulnerable to attacks from scammers and cybercriminals. While just about everybody is familiar with Robocalls, IT Support scammers and other phone-based trickery, a recent study by security vendor Wandera has revealed that iOS users are twice as likely to experience a phishing attack than an Android user.