Android Users: Beware Of These Apps

The debate between iPhone or Android echoes that of many other seemingly binary choices: Coke or Pepsi, Mac or PC, Tea or Coffee? Many of these choices simply come down to personal preference, though there are objective differences between these things that may make the choice more complicated than it appears on the surface.

For example, iPhones are usually more expensive than their Android competitors, and there is certainly an argument to be made that Android is better for consumer choice. That is, you can choose between hundreds of phones running in the Android ecosystem, rather than being locked into 3 choices per generation of iPhone. Androids are less user experience centric, but make up for that by allowing vast customizability-- for users with the correct know-how. iPhones and the Apple ecosystem are much more static -- what you see is what you get -- but the attention to detail is higher and the experience is meant to be consistent and high quality across iOS devices.

However, that luxury of choice comes at a considerable price: the Google Play Store upon which the vast majority of Android phones rely for their apps and content is rife with malware. With so many devices, existing across such a broad spectrum of manufacturers that service so many users, it is nearly impossible for Google to filter the malicious apps out of the store, at least before the apps accrue some downloads. That's not to say that the Apple App Store does not have malicious or fraudulent apps, but the nature of their ecosystem is better suited to weeding them out before they reach the store.

This article is about a specific set of apps that are related to a specific malware campaign, but this applies to any apps on the Google Play store. Of course, if you're ever unsure about software (mobile or otherwise), please give FrameWork a call! We're here to help.

Check out the article on Forbes HERE.