Security in the Internet of Things

Smart TVs, dishwashers, laundry machines, toasters, coffee makers and homes. Today, we are closer to the "future" that previous generations dreamed of than ever before, the culmination of this innovation being the "Internet of Things". The IoT is a massive network of devices that are connected to the internet, ranging anywhere from printers, wearable devices such as FitBits, security cameras, and more.


The convenience that devices such as smart refrigerators or smart wearables provide cannot be understated, not to mention that they're just plain cool. However, as with any new and innovative industry, the lack of regulation is leading some unscrupulous or unknowledgeable businesses to focus on quantity over quality in their product, and this shows especially in the glaring lack of security functionality.


Does this mean that you should stop using IoT devices until the industry has matured some? That's up to you. It's simply important to know exactly what it is that you're getting yourself into, and what steps you can take to mitigate the risks.


This article from Scandinavian security firm Heimdal Security has some great recommendations and very detailed information on IoT security, the way vulnerabilities are exploited, and what you can do to mitigate it.


See their article on IoT security HERE.