Learning Hacks – Bill Gates

Learning Hacks – Bill Gates

When you think of the origins of Silicon Valley and the computer technology industry's explosion, you think of the same 3 companies: Google, Microsoft, Apple. Similarly, the founders of those three companies have ascended to a sort of legendary status in the mind of the public.


Oftentimes mentioned alongside other Tech Titans such as Steve Jobs, Larry Page, Sergey Brin and even Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates was known for being the world's wealthiest man for many years, and more recently, using a large portion of that wealth for philanthropic purposes across the world, bringing the influence of technology to impoverished peoples far and wide. Beyond that, the foundation even invests in bringing clean, potable water to different regions.


Bill Gates has fostered a lifelong love for learning, and has shared 4 learning hacks that he uses personally, from using code.org to learn basic coding to using Khan Academy to help you study up on things you might have lost along the way. There's a lot of great information to gain by following these recommendations. I mean, it's Bill Gates. He's got to know a few things about success, right?


Check out his 4 tips on Forbes HERE.